
Thursday, April 15, 2010

Glass with Strawberries and Grapes II

This painting was completed at the same time that that my other glass painting (prior posting) was completed. This painting is painted on panel as well.

I purchased some new panels from Blicks (great suggestion from two fantastic astist Jeliane and M Collier). I will give it a try on a smaller scale.

This painting is 12" x 12".

If you want to contact me email me at

Monday, April 12, 2010

Glass with Strawberries and Grapes I

This is my fifth painting on panel (masonite). I really enjoy the amount of detail you can paint with on masonite. It has been fun but challenging. If it wasn't for M. Collier and Jelaine Faunce, I would still be cussing my way through the painting process. M Collier gave me some great advice on how to prepare the surface and Jelaine gave me some tips on where to get prepared panels (M also provided some locations as well).

I have another still life that is almost ready. I sort of started two paintings at the same time. This way I can leave one panel dry while working on the other.

If you want to contact me email me at

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Space Man without a Home

I recently was commissioned to paint several toy paintings for a client. After completing the paintings I was told there were some personal issues with the client that prevented her from paying me. I rarely do many commission work and when I do I always go into it with a bit of caution.

Whatever the case, this painting and two others are now without a home. They are sort of left out in space....

Happy Easter everyone.