This large painting (16" x 20") is the second of four commissioned pieces that I did for a very nice client who will be opening a Diner in a few months. The Diner is located in Bryant, Arkansas (just outside of Little Rock). It will serve home cooked meals with a retro atmosphere.
You got to love ice cream. The complimentary realism of the ice cream scooper and the very rich colors of the ice cream cone box creates a tension of realism in this contemporary realism pop art painting.
Lately, I've become a little nostalgic. The days of morning cereal with my kids have long been gone. As a kid, Cap'n Crunch cereal has been one of my favorites. The awesome imagery and colors of this design is really one of a kind in American produce and advertising. This semi contemporary painting borders on realism and pop art. Whatever the case, any excuse to capture the wonderful realism of this great America classic is fine by me.
This large painting (16" x 20") was a commissioned piece I did for a very nice client who will be opening a Diner in a few month. I have been commissioned to paint four paintings for her. This is the first. Once the paintings have been completed I hope to post some pictures from the Diner. The Diner will be located in Bryant, Arkansas (which is located outside of Little Rock). It will serve home cooked meals with a retro atmosphere. Once the Diner is opened I will write more about it...stay tuned.
I really get into snow and water globes. I bought this for my daughter when the wife and I took a train and visited Chicago. We had a great weekend and visited The Art Institute of Chicago. Wow! Great museum! We were there for hours!
I just love painting peppers. They make a fantastic still life. The colors are so fun that I have to paint more.
This large still life painting of a Skippy peanut butter and Ritz crackers was really a blast to paint. I rarely paint large paintings but when I do I really feel a freedom to express myself. My wife told me to put the bag of crackers on top. Great idea! This painting took awhile to complete but I finally finished it this weekend.
On my blog I have a demo on the painting process coming soon.
Okay - I wanted to have fun here. I just get a kick out of these little Kinder toys. I always enjoyed painting toys. But because there really isn't a large demand for these types of paintings, I don't paint them too often. Every once and while I say what the heck - go for it.
While making pasta the other day I decided to do another painting of my egg yolk still life. I really enjoy doing these types of paintings. The yellows and orange with the cool whites must be favorite combination.