
Friday, June 20, 2014

Coming this August, I will be exhibiting a solo show at the Elliott Fouts Gallery. Come and see 22 new paintings. The show is called "The Automobile". I have worked on these new paintings for over a year. I really had fun and put many hours of work into each and every one painting. I really want to thank Michelle and Elliott for giving me this opportunity.

Look for my interview in the America Art Collector Magazine this August.


  1. This painting is excellent. I love how everything shines and glows. Fascinating composition as well.

  2. Thank you Shelley.

  3. Just got my issue of American Art Collector. Wow your spread looks great. Very impressive! Good luck in August.

  4. Thanks M. It was really fun doing the interview. Thank you for writing. Long time since we spoke. Hope all is well.
