
Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Old Paint Brushes: New Work

If you happen to be around Sacramento California on February 13th please stop by for my opening with David Lobenberg at the Elliott Fouts Gallery. I have over 20 paintings never seen before on display including this lantern painting. I am hoping to make the trip but I am not sure if I can pull it off. Below are the details. If you need a sneak preview please contact Elliott Fouts at

Bellow are the details:

Exhibition Dates: February 6, 2010 through March 5, 2010
Second Saturday Reception: February 13, 2010

This is the third painting in my latest project. These old paint brushes have seen better times. The wear and tear on this tool tells the story. This is oil on canvas 14" x 18". I am preparing for a possible new show next year. This painting will be part of that exhibition.

Click to see the Detail:

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