
Thursday, December 09, 2010

Gingerbread Boy and Salt Shaker Still Life

My wife has a little collection of children books which I included in my composition.

8" x 8" oil on wood.


Wednesday, December 08, 2010

Torpeauto !!!

Just love these little toys.

Oil on wood.


Tuesday, November 02, 2010

Kool-Pops Treats!

As a kid I used to love these cool treats. Man they were good! Can't go wrong with Bugs Bunny on the cover.

Oil on masonite 8" x 10"


Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Retro Rice Krispies War !

"The battle of Rice Krispies!"

Oil on wood 14" x 16"

Monday, October 18, 2010

Lucky Charms

Old retro Lucky Charms and milk. Good old memories.

Oil on wood 11" x 14".

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Monday, July 26, 2010

Old Rusty Bus

I recently complete this painting last week. I was inspired by old and rusty surfaces I found at a local salvage yard by my house. I was like a child running around looking at great things to paint. This painting is 16" x 20".

This is my second painting in my new series coming.

Sunday, July 25, 2010

Lantern Still Life Painting

This painting is available. If you are interested please email at

My wife and I went to an estate sale this past Summer. We found some really cool stuff. In the corner of the garage of this old house in a suburb outside of Detroit, I found this old lantern between some studs. The estate planner didn't even know it was available - I bought it for a few bucks. I thought it would make for a neat still life. The only problem was that when I bagged it up and put it make car, it leaked kerosene. It stunk up the whole car. Heavy price for a $2.00 lantern.

Thursday, July 15, 2010

New Work ! Part One: Rust Old Classic

I started a new body of work a few months back. This new group of paintings are larger than most and they are very textural.

Have two more almost ready for display.

I included a small glimpse into my painting process...for the fun

New Work ! Part One: Rust Old Classic: Process

Under painting....

More Color and almost complete....

Wednesday, July 07, 2010

Pepsi Pack !

Pepsi Pack.

16" x 20" Oil on Canvas

Wednesday, June 30, 2010

Fruit in Glass Still Life: 20" x 20"

This oil painting is 20" x 20" on canvas.

If you are interested in purchasing this painting please email me for availability at

Oil on 3/4" wood with painted sides ready to hang.

20" x 20" oil on Canvas

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Big Stump Still Life Painting

A few weeks back, Elliott Fouts forwarded me an email from Paul Thoren of the 1851 Gallery in California and wanted to know if I would be interested in painting a still life using the label that you see. I agreed and painting this for him.

Oil on canvas.

BTW - working on a new series. Very different. Trying to find a future home for my new series.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Apple Still Life with Betty Cook Book

Apple and vintage tin cup on old cook book. My wife has a wonderful collection of cook books. I thought this made for an interesting composition.

7" x 7" oil on wood.


Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Poppy Pears Crate Painting #5

This is my fifth crate painting. You got to love those 'Poppy Pears from California'

14" x 18" Oil on Canvas


Saturday, May 15, 2010

Big Chief Crate Still Life Painting No.#6

This is my sixth crate painting with still life. Oil on canvas.


Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Tea Pot and Pizza Pan Still Life

This is another composition from my wife's kitchen cabinet. I found this old tea kettle and included it in the composition with the pizza pan.

Who said that grays can't have some color.


Sunday, May 09, 2010

Fun House Painting!

This painting took me several weeks to complete. I had a blast doing this painting. So many colors so much fun.


Saturday, May 01, 2010

Tulip in Glass Vase

Our Tulips around our house this year were fantastic! This painting is 6" x 6" on 3/8" board.


Thursday, April 15, 2010

Glass with Strawberries and Grapes II

This painting was completed at the same time that that my other glass painting (prior posting) was completed. This painting is painted on panel as well.

I purchased some new panels from Blicks (great suggestion from two fantastic astist Jeliane and M Collier). I will give it a try on a smaller scale.

This painting is 12" x 12".

If you want to contact me email me at

Monday, April 12, 2010

Glass with Strawberries and Grapes I

This is my fifth painting on panel (masonite). I really enjoy the amount of detail you can paint with on masonite. It has been fun but challenging. If it wasn't for M. Collier and Jelaine Faunce, I would still be cussing my way through the painting process. M Collier gave me some great advice on how to prepare the surface and Jelaine gave me some tips on where to get prepared panels (M also provided some locations as well).

I have another still life that is almost ready. I sort of started two paintings at the same time. This way I can leave one panel dry while working on the other.

If you want to contact me email me at

Sunday, April 04, 2010

Space Man without a Home

I recently was commissioned to paint several toy paintings for a client. After completing the paintings I was told there were some personal issues with the client that prevented her from paying me. I rarely do many commission work and when I do I always go into it with a bit of caution.

Whatever the case, this painting and two others are now without a home. They are sort of left out in space....

Happy Easter everyone.


Monday, March 29, 2010

Wine and Grapes Still Life

I am on kick painting wine and fruit. This painting was sent the Elliott Fouts Gallery last week. This painting is painted on canvas 14" x 18".

If you are interested please contact me at


Saturday, March 20, 2010

Two Pears on Scale First in Series

This was my first Pear and Scale painting. The painting is 7.12" x 7.12" oil on wood.

If you are interested please contact me.

Sunday, March 07, 2010

Perez Fine Art Gallery

I am proud to announce that I have joined the elite team of artist at the Perez Fine Art Galleries on line. I feel very honored to be included with so many fine artist. The site is designed and maintained by one fantastic individual, Alex Perez, who I have really enjoyed working with.

Please feel free to check out my work and other great works of art that are available.

Wednesday, March 03, 2010

Two Pears on Scale

I was playing around with transparent colors with these pears. I was pleased on how they turned out. The only issue is that it takes several days to work out this procedure. Still worth it.

If you are interested in purchasing this painting please email me for availability at

Oil on 3/4" wood with painted sides ready to hang.

7.12" x 7.12"

Rocking Horse Cookie Cutter with Teacup

Rocking horse cookie cutter with apple and tea cup.

If you are interested in purchasing this painting please email me for availability at

Oil on 3/4" wood with painted sides ready to hang.

7.12" x 7.12"

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Pear and a Piggy Back Ride.

Let's go for a piggy back ride.

Love those old cookie cutters.

Oil on 3/4" wood with painted sides ready to hang.

7.12" x 7.12"


Monday, February 22, 2010

Cookie Cutter Still Life

I am so fortunate that I am married to someone who loves to cook and bake! Not only do I eat pretty good, I get to paint so really cool stuff.
This past summer we collected some really neat things from antique sales, garage sales, estate sales and from auctions. One of the items collected was a set of vintage cookie cut
ter sets. I incorporated some of these unique cutters into my still life (coming soon), but in this still life I added the box as part of the still life. This painting is 7" x 9" oil on wood.


Oil on 3/4" wood with painted sides ready to hang.

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

Two Pears on a Scale

My wife found this scale at a garage sale last year. The lady had several very interesting and old food scales that we purchased for some of my still life paintings. However, my wife likes it so much that she is using it in her kitchen. For once she is taking one of my props instead of me taking all her kitchen tools and losing it in my collection of objects.

This painting is 7" x 7" oil on wood and is in progress. I am experimenting with these still life's in different settings.

Thursday, February 11, 2010

A Look at the February Exhibition at The EFG !

David Lobenberg and Vic Vicini
February 6 - March 5 2010

Here is a glimpse of my exhibition along with David Lobenberg at the Elliott Fouts Gallery.

I want to thank Elliott and Cynthia for putting this show together. The arrangement looks fantastic.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Wenoka Corn Still Life Crate Painting

Lots of kernels!

If you are interested in purchasing this painting please email me for availability at

Oil on Canvas

16" x 20"


Thursday, January 28, 2010

Faygo Crate and Tomatoes

If you happen to be around Sacramento California on February 13th please stop by for my opening with David Lobenberg at the Elliott Fouts Gallery. I have over 20 paintings never seen before on display including this lantern painting. I am hoping to make the trip but I am not sure if I can pull it off. Below are the details. If you need a sneak preview please contact Elliott Fouts at

This past summer my wife and I went to an estate sale near our home town. My wife discovered an old crate of Faygo pop in the basement. It was covered with dirt and spider webs. We offered the owner a price and they took it. I thought it would make for an interesting still life with our tomatoes from our garden.


I have a couple more interesting old crates that I am working on and hope to crank out a few more within the next few weeks.


Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Old Paint Brushes: New Work

If you happen to be around Sacramento California on February 13th please stop by for my opening with David Lobenberg at the Elliott Fouts Gallery. I have over 20 paintings never seen before on display including this lantern painting. I am hoping to make the trip but I am not sure if I can pull it off. Below are the details. If you need a sneak preview please contact Elliott Fouts at

Bellow are the details:

Exhibition Dates: February 6, 2010 through March 5, 2010
Second Saturday Reception: February 13, 2010

This is the third painting in my latest project. These old paint brushes have seen better times. The wear and tear on this tool tells the story. This is oil on canvas 14" x 18". I am preparing for a possible new show next year. This painting will be part of that exhibition.

Click to see the Detail:

Friday, January 22, 2010

New Work: Old Flour Sifter

If you happen to be around Sacramento California on February 13th please stop by for my opening with David Lobenberg at the Elliott Fouts Gallery. I have over 20 paintings never seen before on display including this lantern painting. I am hoping to make the trip but I am not sure if I can pull it off. Below are the details. If you need a sneak preview please contact Elliott Fouts at

Bellow are the details:

Exhibition Dates: February 6, 2010 through March 5, 2010
Second Saturday Reception: February 13, 2010

My wife and I live near an old Farm/Greenhouse that has been in the area as long as I can remember. A few weeks back we were driving by the Farm when we noticed that they were having an estate sale. We decided to stop by. While talking with the owner she told me that her husband recently died and that they were in the process of selling the estate. She went on to tell me that he was in his mid 50's and suffered a heart attack. He loved his Greenhouse and would get up at 5:00 am every morning and work to 8:00 pm every night. He loved his plants. She went to tell me that it was too much work for her to take care of the horses and the Greenhouse. She plans on keeping the horses but intends to sell the Greenhouse. ..another landmark going away.

Getting back to the story, the owner was selling just about everything. Going through the stack of stuff I came across a box that contained many old kitchen tools. Some were very old and rusted. Of course those appealed to me. I asked what she wanted for this old Flour Sifter. She said 25 cents. I said 'sold'. I also purchased a hand held mixer and a few other odds and ends. I felt a bond with these old tools. I wish I could hear the stories that they could tell about this old Farm/Greenhouse that was going away.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Tea Pot with Pans and Cook Book Still Life

My wife has a small collection of cook books all over the house. I incorporated them into this composition. The old teapot was purchase at a Thrift store a couple of years ago. I've gotten great mileage on that old tea pot.

Monday, January 11, 2010

Kitchen Ware Still Life No. #1

I got an idea from an outstanding photographer Chris Homan. He put together kitchen utensils as still life's. So with that in mind I gathered a bunch of kitchen ware utensils from my wife's kitchen (she gets upset when I don't put the items back from where I got them - short term memory and collected them in groups in some sort of container. I have about a half dozen of these still life's in the works. In this still life I really wanted to play around with the various textures and angels. The wire with wood makes a great contast. This was fun.