Original still life, figurative and landscape paintings from award winning artist Vic Vicini. Realism art focusing on retro Diner landscape and interior settings. Major focus is on high reflective objects. From figurative to landscape to high realism still life.
For the last few weeks I have been preparing for an upcoming exhibition. I will post more detail later. This painting has a companion, which I will post in a few days. This exhibition will consist of new work that is very different than any other work I have done. The show will revolve around food packaging that are nostalgia from my past and for all those who enjoy those wonderful food products that remind us of our youth. For as long as I can remember, when I see a box of cereal, a can of Nestle Quick, Twinkies and many other products, I recall my childhood and early school years. As long as I can remember, I always wanted to be Americanized. My parents arrived here in the States from San Marino Italy in the early 1950's and ever since I was a child I wanted to live the American dream. Don't get me wrong, I love my heritage and the culture that it brings. However, as I child growing up in Detroit, I grew up watching Gun Smoke, Get Smart and All In The Family. I wanted to be the true American child. I enjoyed the the American commercialization and the American breakfast and Dinner of Champions. This vision came with such fantastic products such as Captain Crunch, Twinkies, Ding Dongs, Ice Cream and many many other products. Some may think that it is commercializations, but to me they are a portal of art to something wonderful that I remember. To be a kid again. To sit at the breakfast table and read those ads on the cereal boxes, or to read about the enclosed toys or stare at those clever ads are part of my past. My kids have grown and those days of sitting at the breakfast table or sitting doing homework are no longer in site. Those days nay be gone but my memories and ability to paint these objects still live on. I hope to paint a large series of these paintings for this exhibition and will occasionally post them.As soon as a date is finalized, I will supply more detail on the exhibition. The details are still being worked out.
If anyone is interested, please contact the Elliott Fouts Gallery (Phone: (916) 736-1429). Limited Edition prints are also available.
This is my third commissioned painting I have completed for my client who will be opening a home style Diner in Arkansas within a few months. This cherry pie painting is 16" x 20" on canvas.
My next and last painting will be something new for me.