Sunday, August 26, 2007

Cow Tea Kettle Still Life

This past month I've experimented with two types of paintings. One with canvas over wood (CoW) and one without. This painting is a complete opposite of my CoW paintings. The smooth surface adds an almost hyper realism to this very unique and strong still life. The painting is that of cow kettle on a stove. This has to be one of my favorites. The cool grayish and blue tones among high reflective surfaces are complimented by the strong reds in the cow's nose. This painting contains many levels of grays and blues but the painting stands on its unusual and original composition. I don't know if I should laugh or stare at this thing.



Angela Hardy said...

OH MY GOD! This would put a smile on anyones face!! love it!

Vic said...

Thanks guys. I really had fun with this piece. I would like to do more of these in the near future. Fun watching it develop on canvas.

Chris Ousley said...


Jeff Mahorney said...

Ditto all of the above. That cowpot is just too dang cute! Your other work is looking great too of course.

sandy said...

This is so great!! I love it.


Antonio said...

This is a great looking piece.
Check out my comic strip about an alien cow!(Holy Cow)

Crumpled Paperbirds said...

Great paintings!!! Love the sleeping cow as a kettle!